Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Inventory Issues in DbSchenker Samples †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Examine about the Inventory Issues in DbSchenker. Answer: Presentation Stock is among the most significant wellsprings of income for DB Schenker Sydney. This is on the grounds that the stock of an organization is equivalent to the benefit, so an exact bookkeeping of item and administrations in the stock and stock can significantly affect DB Schenker. Awful stock effectsly affects the DB Schenker which incorporate poor client administrations. Absence of appropriate stock can prompt deferred conveyance of items and administrations to clients (Christopher, 2016). Poor stock can likewise lead some piece of the item missing when conveyed to the customer because of absence of legitimate checking of the stock before making shipments of the item. This significantly influences the trust of the clients, and they begin vanishing. DB Schenker should follow its stock to guarantee that they are in a situation to satisfy the client request at the opportune time. Be that as it may, lack of common sense can cost an organization a great deal of cash. Issue articulation The primary issue with DB Schenker Company is debasement. The organization the board top official staff are degenerate they are enamored with paying off the nearby traditions authorities. As per an ongoing examination a railroad organization had detailed DB Schenker to the court over degenerate cases before any official examination needed to begin in which they needed to take care of a great deal of cash as the punishment of their degenerate cases. By so doing the organization is bringing about a ton of misfortunes. To cover this misfortune, the organization high ranking representative who is by and large engaged with the debasement activity need to exhaust their lesser workers. The representatives are not paid pleasantly, and the working condition in the association is poor (Christopher, 2016). Dedicated workers are not spurred by giving them motivations which have prompted the poor creation of item and administrations. This degenerate issue has prompted the organization making ship ment to Ford Company by not dealing with cash straightforwardly to the traditions officials, however rather, DB Schenker includes a Russian office which permits fast progression of shipments to the Ford Company (Christopher, 2016). The principle point of expressing the difficult proclamation is to have the option to concoct arrangement or move which can be made to end the issue looked by DB Schenker Company. This is by playing it safe measures towards the individuals who are associated with the degenerate activity just as abusing representatives by workaholic behavior them and not giving persevering workers motivators which inspires them and prompts increase underway. Targets The fundamental motivation behind the undertaking is to take out debasement and pay off in the DB Schenker Company which can prompt extraordinary loss of capital. To accomplish this target, the Company representatives must be taught on the negative impacts of debasement from the individual level to the general public on the loose. Top staff individuals from the DB SchenkerCompany must know that they can be indicted on the off chance that they are seen as blameworthy of debasement cases (Wisner, Tan Leong, 2014). Cases, whereby junior workers are exhausted by their seniors to cover their degenerate activities, should go to a perfection. Another huge goal of the undertaking is to kill lack of foresight in DB Schenker Company by incorporating a couple of answers for the work process. The organization can propose a programmed stock administration framework which monitors all the shipments that are done and can show where you have turned out badly. Wellsprings of auxiliary information The fundamental wellspring of information for the venture was the DB Schenker Company database which gave a ton of data about the stock issues and a few issues which the organization is confronting. Data about the various shipments that the organization has made to the diverse association and the budgetary records and data included (Jacobs, Chase Lummus, 2014). Some significant reports, for example, fund board reports which are of extraordinary hugeness were gathered from council and commissions. Data about the positioning of the DB Schenker in the globe and the item and administrations that they offer just as the nature of their item was gathered from papers and magazines. System. Hypothesis of requirements (TOC) was utilized to address the stock issues which are influencing the DB Schenker Company. Dynamic support innovation along with LEAN draw recharging approach in the TOC is utilized to deal with the stock level productively. TOC dynamic support has encouraged incredibly to set and change the proper stock levels for every thing in their separate areas utilizing stock state levels as opposed to utilizing anticipating (Stadtler, 2015). This basic technique has had the option to fathom the issues joined by determining, for example, erratic guaging blunders and insufficient arranging data for new items which have no history. TOC states that the stock level should change if the interest for the item change and in situations where questionable supplies happen. References Christopher, M. (2016).Logistics gracefully chain the board. Pearson UK. Jacobs, F. R., Chase, R. B., Lummus, R. R. (2014).Operations and flexibly chain management(pp. 533-535). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Stadtler, H. (2015). Flexibly chain the executives: A review. InSupply chain the board and progressed planning(pp. 3-28). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Wisner, J. D., Tan, K. C., Leong, G. K. (2014).Principles of flexibly chain the executives: A reasonable methodology. Cengage Learning.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Argument For Legalizing Euthanasia Essay examples -- Pro Euthanasia Es

A patient is determined to have mind tumors that have spread to their bones and muscles. The specialist allows them three months to live, however just with the continuation of treatment. They invest the greater part of their residual energy in an emergency clinic accepting chemotherapy and radiation medications. They should be pushed in a wheelchair since they are too wiped out to even think about walking and spend the remainder of their couple of months in torment, realizing they will kick the bucket however not certain when. That is the means by which the most recent couple of long stretches of Cristy Grayson's life was spent. Presently ask yourself, what might you do in the event that you were in this circumstance? OK need to spend the most recent couple of months of your life miserable and in torment, or bite the dust calmly? For a few, killing isn't a choice, however for other people, it is an approach to end their affliction and have a serene demise. Albeit some view killing to be ethically off-base, willful extermination ought to be authorized in the United States to end the enduring of others, help patients who can carry on with a more drawn out life, and diminishing the expense of social insurance. Willful extermination is a demonstration of murdering a hopeless patient who is enduring or in torment. Killing originates from a Greek articulation for â€Å"good death† and, as it were, permits the patients to kick the bucket and simple demise without affliction. Willful extermination can be portrayed as intentional, automatic or dynamic, and inactive. Willful killing is being executed with the assent of the patient; automatic is the place the patient is to sick to give assent, so a doctor or close relative gives assent for them. Aloof willful extermination is when basic medicines, for example, anti-infection agents, torment drugs, or medical procedure, are retained. Dynamic killing is the utilization of deadly substances that will end a patient’s life. Regardless of what type of killing is utilized... ...a. Hamlon Kathi. â€Å"Could willful extermination or helped self destruction be utilized as a methods for medicinal services cost containment?† Patient’s rights chamber. Jan. 2010. Web. 21 Nov. 2014. Pearlman, R. For what reason Do Patients Request Physician-Assisted Death?† ProConorg Headlines. 10 July 2008. Web. 10 Dec. 2014. Pereira, J. â€Å"Legalizing willful extermination and helped suicide.† PMC. 19 June 2012. Web. 5 Dec. 2014. Standley, Tim. Jack Kevorkian's Horrible Career Offers a Warning against Legalizing Euthanasia. News Jack Kevorkian’s Horrible Career Offers a Warning against Legalizing Euthanasia Comments. 4 June 2011. Web. 10 Dec. 2014. Stevens, Kenneth. PCCEF - Articles. National Legal Center for the Medically Dependent and Disabled. 2006. Web. 3 Dec. 2014. Swarte, N. Impacts of Euthanasia on the Bereaved Family and Friends: A Cross Sectional Study. BMJ. 24 July 2003. Web. 10 Dec. 2014.

Friday, July 31, 2020

How to Write an English Essay

How to Write an English Essay EP 65: How to Write an English Essay EP 65: How to Write an English Essay Have you ever looked at your empty Word document and wonder how to even begin to write an English essay? Writing an English essay can be a big project for anyone. Essay writing is generally dreaded amongst students. It can be even more difficult if English is not your primary language. On Episode 65 of the Homework Help Show we give you 8 tips on how to write an English essay and discuss a template you might use to help you structure your essay. Looking for study tips, help with essay writing, or advice on how to be a better student? Welcome to The Homework Help Show, a weekly show where we teach, assist, and offer valuable insights for student life. From study hacks to writing tips, discussions about student mental health to step-by-step guides on academic writing and how to write a resume, weve got you covered. Want your questions answered? Write them below or join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #askHHG TRANSCRIPT: Cath Anne: [00:00:00] Hi guys. And welcome back to our channel. My name is Cath Anne and this is The Homework Help Show hosted by Homework Help Global. Here on the show we provide you with valuable content for your academic and student life. Cath Anne: [00:00:16] Now before we get started today with the content I wanted to tell you guys about something really exciting that we have started doing. We have started hosting a weekly live session with me, Cath Anne your host on Instagram live. These live sessions are a Q and A for you guys to ask any questions that you might have. So make sure that you join me at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time on Instagram live. And if you dont follow us on Instagram make sure to check out all of our social media info in the description box below and you will be able to find us. Now before we get started, make sure to hit that notification bell and subscribe to our channel. We have some great collaborations coming up for fall guys and I really dont want you to miss out. So make sure you like this video, subscribe to our channel, and hit that notification bell so that it will notify you when we come out with new content. We always have new content either on our Instagram channel or on our You Tube platform every Monday. So make sure to stay tuned. Make sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook too. For more great academic content were coming up on the new school year and I really dont want you guys to miss out on any of our awesome content that were making for you. Cath Anne: [00:01:44] Writing in English I say it can be a big challenge for anyone. It is usually a dreaded activity amongst any students. However if English is not your primary language this task can become even more difficult. Today on this show we are giving you eight tips to help you to write your English essays. Lets jump in. Cath Anne: [00:02:18] OK so tip number one. The first tip I wanted to give you guys today is to write your English essay in English. Cath Anne: [00:02:27] Now it might be tempting to write in your primary language and then translate it and you might think it might be easier. However this is not the case. When you write in English you will have the opportunity to learn more of the language because you are writing in full sentences. As well, if you choose to write in your primary language and then translate to English it might not make sense. Take the opportunity to write your essay in English and then have someone read it over. Writing in English will give you the opportunity to learn more of the language and give you a chance to practice your writing skills. Cath Anne: [00:03:13] Tip number two. Brainstorm. For those of you who are not familiar with the term and brainstorm. Brainstorm means to think about all of the ideas you have about a certain topic and then write them down. So for example international immigration if you are going to do a brainstorm about international immigration take out a piece of paper and a pen and write down all of the ideas that come to mind about international immigration. So for example: language, visa, family, opportunity, culture, migration, change, policy activities. Cath Anne: [00:04:05] These are all topics to do with international immigration. The idea with a brainstorm is to literally take out a piece of paper and write all of your ideas in English not in your primary language. Cath Anne: [00:04:24] Doing a brainstorm in English will give you the opportunity to practice thinking in English and will improve your English writing skills. When you start writing your essay think of a topic that interests you. You also want to consider a topic that will interest your audience. Now your audience for an English essay might be your ESL professor or perhaps a university or college professor. Keep this in mind as you are writing your essay. Cath Anne: [00:05:00] Tip number three. Write an outline. Once you have finished your brainstorm begin to write an outline for your English essay before you write an essay. It is important to organize your thoughts and your ideas. Especially when English is not your primary language. Doing an outline can help you to learn new words and help you to organize the thoughts and ideas that you have in your head. A basic outline for an English essay will include five paragraphs. First you will have the introduction. Then you will have three body paragraphs. And finally the conclusion. Use this five paragraph structure to organize your ideas before you begin writing. Cath Anne: [00:05:52] Tip number four. Once you have completed your brainstorm and your outline, have a native English speaker read over your work. Now you may be timid to show your work into someone who speaks English. However it will help. I promise you. Find someone that you trust who can speak English to look over the work that you have done. When you show your work to a native English speaker they can guide you through the process of writing your essay and helping you to form the sentences and flow that youre looking for in your essay. If you dont know of anyone that can speak English here at Homework Help Global this is something we can definitely help with. Jump into the description box below and connect with us on social media or send us a quick email and let us know how we can help. Cath Anne: [00:06:49] Tip number five. Write an introduction. Your introduction will tell the reader what you are going to write about and what they can expect in your essay. For example perhaps you would like to write an essay about the benefits of living abroad. In your introduction youll want to include a thesis statement. A thesis statement is the argument you are going to be making about a specific topic. For example the thesis statement for this essay might be living abroad is beneficial because it provides an opportunity to explore different cultures, broaden your horizonsb and learn a new language. Cath Anne: [00:07:34] As you can see here there are two parts to this thesis statement. Number one we are arguing that living abroad is a beneficial. And number two we are providing three reasons why living abroad is beneficial. The three reasons given in your thesis statement will make up the three body paragraphs of your English essay. Cath Anne: [00:07:59] Tip Number Six. Use the three reasons you have defined in your thesis statement to write your three body paragraphs. So for example in this essay we will have three different paragraphs. Number one living abroad provides the opportunity to explore different cultures. Number two living abroad provides the opportunity to broaden your horizons and number three living abroad allows you to learn a new language. Cath Anne: [00:08:37] Once you have these three points youll want to do some research about how to back up what you are saying. This information will form the content of your essay. Tip number seven. Once you have completed the introduction and your three body paragraphs it is time for the conclusion that conclusion provides a summary of everything you have said through your English essay. Do not introduce any new topics in your conclusion. You are simply just summarizing all of the information that you have written throughout your essay. Cath Anne: [00:09:17] Tip number 8. Congratulations youve completed your English essay and youre one step closer to becoming fluent in speaking and writing English. Youve worked towards a goal and youve achieved it. You should give yourself a pat on the back and say congratulations. Once you have completed writing your essay again ask a native English speaker to read over your work. They can give you some tips on how to increase the flow and ease of your essay and make it sound more like it was written by a fluent English speaker. And. If you do need any help with writing an English essay make sure to connect with us here at Homework Help Global. Cath Anne: [00:10:02] We offer many services from editing to ghost writing that can just make learning English a little bit easier. OK guys thats it for me this week. I hope this episode was of benefit. As always we love to hear from you. So make sure to jump into the comments below and let us know if any of these tips have been helpful. Do you have any questions about how to write an English essay or do you have any suggestions for other people who are struggling with writing in English. Share those in the comments below as well. Comment or message us on social media. All of our info is linked and listed in the description box below. If you like this video give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel and make sure not to miss out on any of our upcoming content for the fall semester. Cath Anne: [00:10:56] Thanks so much for joining me. Talk soon and take care. How to Write an English Essay EP 65: How to Write an English Essay EP 65: How to Write an English Essay Have you ever looked at your empty Word document and wonder how to even begin to write an English essay? Writing an English essay can be a big project for anyone. Essay writing is generally dreaded amongst students. It can be even more difficult if English is not your primary language. On Episode 65 of the Homework Help Show we give you 8 tips on how to write an English essay and discuss a template you might use to help you structure your essay. Looking for study tips, help with essay writing, or advice on how to be a better student? Welcome to The Homework Help Show, a weekly show where we teach, assist, and offer valuable insights for student life. From study hacks to writing tips, discussions about student mental health to step-by-step guides on academic writing and how to write a resume, weve got you covered. Want your questions answered? Write them below or join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #askHHG TRANSCRIPT: Cath Anne: [00:00:00] Hi guys. And welcome back to our channel. My name is Cath Anne and this is The Homework Help Show hosted by Homework Help Global. Here on the show we provide you with valuable content for your academic and student life. Cath Anne: [00:00:16] Now before we get started today with the content I wanted to tell you guys about something really exciting that we have started doing. We have started hosting a weekly live session with me, Cath Anne your host on Instagram live. These live sessions are a Q and A for you guys to ask any questions that you might have. So make sure that you join me at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time on Instagram live. And if you dont follow us on Instagram make sure to check out all of our social media info in the description box below and you will be able to find us. Now before we get started, make sure to hit that notification bell and subscribe to our channel. We have some great collaborations coming up for fall guys and I really dont want you to miss out. So make sure you like this video, subscribe to our channel, and hit that notification bell so that it will notify you when we come out with new content. We always have new content either on our Instagram channel or on our You Tube platform every Monday. So make sure to stay tuned. Make sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook too. For more great academic content were coming up on the new school year and I really dont want you guys to miss out on any of our awesome content that were making for you. Cath Anne: [00:01:44] Writing in English I say it can be a big challenge for anyone. It is usually a dreaded activity amongst any students. However if English is not your primary language this task can become even more difficult. Today on this show we are giving you eight tips to help you to write your English essays. Lets jump in. Cath Anne: [00:02:18] OK so tip number one. The first tip I wanted to give you guys today is to write your English essay in English. Cath Anne: [00:02:27] Now it might be tempting to write in your primary language and then translate it and you might think it might be easier. However this is not the case. When you write in English you will have the opportunity to learn more of the language because you are writing in full sentences. As well, if you choose to write in your primary language and then translate to English it might not make sense. Take the opportunity to write your essay in English and then have someone read it over. Writing in English will give you the opportunity to learn more of the language and give you a chance to practice your writing skills. Cath Anne: [00:03:13] Tip number two. Brainstorm. For those of you who are not familiar with the term and brainstorm. Brainstorm means to think about all of the ideas you have about a certain topic and then write them down. So for example international immigration if you are going to do a brainstorm about international immigration take out a piece of paper and a pen and write down all of the ideas that come to mind about international immigration. So for example: language, visa, family, opportunity, culture, migration, change, policy activities. Cath Anne: [00:04:05] These are all topics to do with international immigration. The idea with a brainstorm is to literally take out a piece of paper and write all of your ideas in English not in your primary language. Cath Anne: [00:04:24] Doing a brainstorm in English will give you the opportunity to practice thinking in English and will improve your English writing skills. When you start writing your essay think of a topic that interests you. You also want to consider a topic that will interest your audience. Now your audience for an English essay might be your ESL professor or perhaps a university or college professor. Keep this in mind as you are writing your essay. Cath Anne: [00:05:00] Tip number three. Write an outline. Once you have finished your brainstorm begin to write an outline for your English essay before you write an essay. It is important to organize your thoughts and your ideas. Especially when English is not your primary language. Doing an outline can help you to learn new words and help you to organize the thoughts and ideas that you have in your head. A basic outline for an English essay will include five paragraphs. First you will have the introduction. Then you will have three body paragraphs. And finally the conclusion. Use this five paragraph structure to organize your ideas before you begin writing. Cath Anne: [00:05:52] Tip number four. Once you have completed your brainstorm and your outline, have a native English speaker read over your work. Now you may be timid to show your work into someone who speaks English. However it will help. I promise you. Find someone that you trust who can speak English to look over the work that you have done. When you show your work to a native English speaker they can guide you through the process of writing your essay and helping you to form the sentences and flow that youre looking for in your essay. If you dont know of anyone that can speak English here at Homework Help Global this is something we can definitely help with. Jump into the description box below and connect with us on social media or send us a quick email and let us know how we can help. Cath Anne: [00:06:49] Tip number five. Write an introduction. Your introduction will tell the reader what you are going to write about and what they can expect in your essay. For example perhaps you would like to write an essay about the benefits of living abroad. In your introduction youll want to include a thesis statement. A thesis statement is the argument you are going to be making about a specific topic. For example the thesis statement for this essay might be living abroad is beneficial because it provides an opportunity to explore different cultures, broaden your horizonsb and learn a new language. Cath Anne: [00:07:34] As you can see here there are two parts to this thesis statement. Number one we are arguing that living abroad is a beneficial. And number two we are providing three reasons why living abroad is beneficial. The three reasons given in your thesis statement will make up the three body paragraphs of your English essay. Cath Anne: [00:07:59] Tip Number Six. Use the three reasons you have defined in your thesis statement to write your three body paragraphs. So for example in this essay we will have three different paragraphs. Number one living abroad provides the opportunity to explore different cultures. Number two living abroad provides the opportunity to broaden your horizons and number three living abroad allows you to learn a new language. Cath Anne: [00:08:37] Once you have these three points youll want to do some research about how to back up what you are saying. This information will form the content of your essay. Tip number seven. Once you have completed the introduction and your three body paragraphs it is time for the conclusion that conclusion provides a summary of everything you have said through your English essay. Do not introduce any new topics in your conclusion. You are simply just summarizing all of the information that you have written throughout your essay. Cath Anne: [00:09:17] Tip number 8. Congratulations youve completed your English essay and youre one step closer to becoming fluent in speaking and writing English. Youve worked towards a goal and youve achieved it. You should give yourself a pat on the back and say congratulations. Once you have completed writing your essay again ask a native English speaker to read over your work. They can give you some tips on how to increase the flow and ease of your essay and make it sound more like it was written by a fluent English speaker. And. If you do need any help with writing an English essay make sure to connect with us here at Homework Help Global. Cath Anne: [00:10:02] We offer many services from editing to ghost writing that can just make learning English a little bit easier. OK guys thats it for me this week. I hope this episode was of benefit. As always we love to hear from you. So make sure to jump into the comments below and let us know if any of these tips have been helpful. Do you have any questions about how to write an English essay or do you have any suggestions for other people who are struggling with writing in English. Share those in the comments below as well. Comment or message us on social media. All of our info is linked and listed in the description box below. If you like this video give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel and make sure not to miss out on any of our upcoming content for the fall semester. Cath Anne: [00:10:56] Thanks so much for joining me. Talk soon and take care.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Academic Writing What Is It And How Successful A Writer...

Academic Writing: What is it and How Successful a Writer Am I? When it comes to writing, many would say that there are two distinct â€Å"camps†: those who like to write, and those who do not. It is not unusual to find many members of the former group exploring this enjoyment through the domain of creative writing. Further, creative writing allows for a great deal of free reign. This field of writing allows the writer an all-access pass to self-expression. What is more, creative writing often affords the writer - and the writer, alone - complete governance over the writing process. In other words, creative writers get to make the rules. Whether the task at hand is composing a poem, a short story, or even a no holds barred†¦show more content†¦In fact, acquiring strong, effective academic writing skills can benefit students in the long-run, well beyond their college years. Academic writing requires some structured rule abiding, yes, but there is also something to be said for learning discipline. In sum, academic writing r equires the following: focused, concise writing; clear knowledge of the writer’s audience; sincere understanding of the topic/message being addressed; correct sentence structure/organization, punctuation, and grammar; and, of course, the writer’s personal conviction. If one does not believe in their ability to convey a certain message - or if one is wishy-washy on the topic itself - how can one’s audience truly embrace that moment? Being resolute is of supreme importance with academic writing. To begin, a very important element to academic writing is the ability to be concise and clear on the subject/theme. A writing piece need not be exhaustive in volume. Many successful pieces of writing are â€Å"to the point† and of modest length; this does not mean that the pieces are lacking in content or adequate detail. It is important to note that readers can quickly lose interest, grow bored, or even become intimidated if a piece is too lengthy (information overload!). This is largely contingent on subject matter (think: highly scientific, or a paper that extends beyond â€Å"lay† knowledge). Thus, learning to cultivate rhetoric that covers all the proverbial

Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Social Context Of Careers Essay - 1868 Words

The Social Context of Careers The world continues to change and grow each day. With that, the same can be said for the job market. Due to the constant changes, it is very important for businesses to operate in the modern-day as much as possible. If businesses cannot adjust and familiarize themselves with the changes in the workplace, then they will find their business at risk (â€Å"Must-Have Characteristics of the Modern Manager,† 2014). Furthermore, a shift in the meaning of career success is greatly changing as well. With the rise of global business and international careers, many concerns have surfaced over social influences on careers and developing labor laws and regulations that influence the ways in which individuals, organizations, and society view career development (â€Å"Career Development,† n.d.). This paper is going to further examine what social context of careers is and the effect it has on careers, the difference between customized careers and traditional careers, how family backgro und and social class play a role in the work environment, and the impact of multicultural organizations. The Effect of Social Context on Careers According to Lawrence (2010), â€Å"Social context represents fertile ground for interdisciplinary research. It is widely recognized as a central feature of orga ¬nizational life, the conceptual location in which the two disciplines intersect and the boundaries within which careers are enacted† (pg. 60). Social context provides conditions thatShow MoreRelatedThe Sociology Of Health And Illness1292 Words   |  6 Pagessemi-scientific methodology and by virtue of which is considered as a component of social medicine rather than critical sociology and the consequent development in medical sociology and the sociology of health and illness the biological, human anatomy conception of the body has remained unchallenged. A single unified sociological perspective concerning the nature of social reality does not exist. In this respect sociology is no different to any other academic disciplineRead MoreWomen s Roles And Roles Of Women1668 Words   |  7 Pagesparticipation into the world of entertainment. The women portrayed today are somewhere or the other have a ‘borrowed’ portrayal that has not much connection to the reality of Assamese woman on the urban and rural part of Assam, either educated or uneducated, career-oriented or home-maker and so on. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Lost Worlds Free Essays

In his article â€Å"Lessons from Lost Worlds†,   Jared Diamond briefly relates the environmental issues facing the world today.   He compares drought issues in Southern California to those of the ancient Anasazi or the Four Corners area of the American southwest, deforestation issues to the collapse of Polynesian societies and the interdependence of cultures to the collapse of island cultures as well/   Diamond points out that many of the countries causing political unrest around the world are among the most environmentally devastated and overpopulated in the world. He argues that it took the calamity of September 11, 2001, to make most Americans aware of their relationship with the rest of the world and that globalization means that we can be affected by global events far beyond the American borders. We will write a custom essay sample on Lost Worlds or any similar topic only for you Order Now Diamond is a professor of geography and public health at the University of California, Los Angeles, and a director of the World Wildlife Fund. Both speak to his predisposition to seeing global climate change as a serious evil, even though he begins his article by saying that he had not considered the ramifications of environmental issues until his children were born.   He also uses himself and the Anasazi chieftains as an example of why people should care about the environment. The argument that it doesn’t affect me may not be true, as in the case of the last Anasazi’s, or it may be our children that will live with the consequences of our actions. Diamond takes it as a given that parents want the world to be a better, or at least as good, place for their children.   However, he blames the lack of will to change our own lives for what we are doing to the planet. The argument that the worst environmentally destroyed nations and most over-populated are political hotbeds is very convincing. I read recently that Pakistan fights a constant battle with mass immigration from India and because of it, the two countries are always on the brink of war. The main issue is that the India is well-overpopulated and has insufficient water for its people, so they leave trying to find another place to get their basic needs. People who cannot get enough food and water rightly resent those who appear to have everything and terrorists and those who support them develop as a result. I agree with Diamond’s observations that if we take more time to correct global climate issues, we may in fact be fixing some of our political issues as well. How to cite Lost Worlds, Essay examples

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Nature Of Dicsipleship Essay Example

The Nature Of Dicsipleship Essay While studying Marks Gospel I learned a lot about the nature of Dicsipleship. For example, Marks Gospel reveals a lot about the nature of Dicsipleship, about faith, sacrifice, service/selflesness, choosing Jesus, etc. I believe that the most important quality of dicsipleship is faith or maybe even sacrifice.I believe Faith is definitely a compulsory quality for a Dicsiple.Mark 4:35-40 Jesus was in the back of the boat sleeping, with his head on a pillow. The Dicsiples woke him up and said, Teacher, dont you care that we are about to die.'Here we can see a lack of faith , as the Dicsiples are just setting out with Jesus, they are not yet able to understand the ways of Jesus. It also shows we are not always able to be faithful all the time, and inspite of this, Jesus will always help us to have stronger faith.Another example of faith would be the story of the mustard seed.Mark 4:31-32 A man takes a mustard seed, the smallest in the world, and plants it in the ground. After a while it g rows up and becomes the biggest of all plants. It puts out such large branches that the birds come and make their nests in its shade.The mustard seed is the smallest seed on the earth. and with enough nutrients, it becomes one of the most amazing plants ever. This shows a very important thing. No matter how small your faith is, if you put in enough effort to your life, you can build up your faith and make it stronger, with the help of Jesus.The Dicsiples sacrificed a lot upon the call of Jesus.Mark 1:20 Without delay he called them, they left their father in the boat with the hired men, and followed him.Here we can see two of the dicsiples out at work with their father and all of a suddden they leave him, give up their lively hoods and family to answer the call of jesus, who at that time was hardly known by the dicsiples. Again this shows faith in God and Jesus to again leave mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, animals, houses and land. Sacfrifice and choosing Jesus is very importa nt when it comes to dicsipleship because we neeed to show that we are willing to give up everything to choose Jesus and follow him as a dicsiple.There is a huge connection between sacrifice and reward. Jesus promises that if sacrifices are made rewards will be received.Mark 10:28-30 No one who has left homes or brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, children or feilds for me and the Gospel, will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age and in the age to come, eternal life.Basically what this means is, whatever you give up, you will receive something a hundred times greater than that. Jesus here showed that the life of a dicsiple could be a committed and fulfilled life, making a difference in the world today as well as receiving the ultimate prize of heavenWhen the Dicsiples sacrificed what they did, they showed that they were willing to serve jesus.Mark 10:31 But many who are first will be last, and the last first.Here we can see how important service is, to be a di csiple. From this we learn that to be a dicsiple we need to put others before ourselves, rather than being served by others. For example, in todays world, service would be volenteering to help your grandparents at the weekend and not taking any money from them. With service there must be humility if you are a true dicsiple. Humility is about giving without taking any credit for it. A very good example of humility would be the story of the widows offering.Mark 12:41-43 They gave out their wealth; but she out of her poverty, put in everything. All she had to live on.Here we see the widow gave everything she has with taking credit for it or boasting about it. This is also a type of selflessness, giving what you have, instead of using it for yourself and in the widows case, using it to keep fed / alive.There is one more quality of Dicsipleship we have to look at, and it is onethat can also be found in the story of the widows offering. The quality is Generosity. The widow is generous in giving all she can afford to give. Here is a women who has a lot of Dicsipleship qualities. Sacrifices, humility, generosity, service and maybe many more.Marks Gospel reveals throughout it, the many qualities and characteristics needed to be a rue Dicsiple.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Children With Depression essays

Children With Depression essays Running head: PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENT FOR DEPRESSED STUDENTS Psychological Treatment for Depressed Students Depression in school-age children may be one of the most overlooked and undertreated psychological disorders of childhood, presenting a serious mental health problem. Depression in children has become an important issue in research due to its many emotional forms, and its relationship to self-destructive behaviors. Depressive disorders are of particular importance to school psychologists, who are often placed in the best position to identify, refer, and treat depressed children. Procedures need to be developed to identify depression in students to avoid allowing those children struggling with depression to go undetected. Depression is one of the most treatable forms of disorders, with an 80-90% chance of improvement if individuals receive treatment (Dubuque, 1998). On the other hand, if untreated, serious cases of depression in childhood can be severe, long, and interfere with all aspects of development, relationships, school progress, and family life (Janzen, The existence of depression in school-age children was nearly unrecognized until the 1990s. In the past, depression was thought of as a problem that only adults struggled with, and if children did experience it, they experienced depression entirely different than adults did. Psychologists of the psychoanalytic orientation felt that children were unable to become depressed because their superegos were inadequately developed (Fuller, 1992). More recently, Clarizio and Payette (1990) found that depressed school-age children and depressed adults share the same basic symptoms. In fact, only a few minor differences between childhood and adult depression have been found, including the assumption that with childhood depression, irritable mood may serve as a substitute for the depressed mood criterion (Waterman Depression in stude...

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

New Years Resolutions for Teachers

New Year's Resolutions for Teachers As elementary school teachers, we are always striving to improve. Whether our goal is to make our lessons more engaging ​or to get to know our students on a higher level, we are always trying to take our teaching to the next level. The new year is a great time to take a closer look at how we run our classroom and to decide what we would like to improve. Self-reflection is an important part of our job, and this New Year is the perfect time to make some changes. Here are 10 New Years Resolutions for teachers to use as inspiration. 1. Get Your Classroom Organized This is usually on the top of the list for all teachers. While teachers are known for their organizational skills, teaching is a hectic job and its easy to let things get a little out of control. The best way to achieve this goal is to make a list and slowly check off each task as you complete them. Break up your goals into smaller tasks to make them easier to achieve. For example, week one, you might choose to organize all your paperwork, week two,  your desk, and so on.   2. Create a Flexible Classroom Flexible classrooms are all the rage right now, and if you havent yet incorporated this trend into your classroom, the new year is a great time to start. Begin by purchasing a few alternative seats and a bean bag chair. Then, move on to bigger items such as standing desks.   3. Go Paperless With educational technology tools, its really gotten even easier to commit to a  paperless classroom. If youre lucky enough to have access to iPads, you may even choose to have your students complete all of their work digitally. If not, visit Donorschoose.org and ask for donors to purchase them for your classroom. 4. Remember Your Passion for Teaching Sometimes the idea of a fresh new start (like the New Year) can help you remember your passion for teaching. Its easy to lose track of what initially motivated you to teach, especially when youve been at it for a long time. This new year, take some time to jot down some of the reasons why you became a teacher in the first place. Remembering your drive and passion for teaching will help you keep going. 5. Re-Think Your Teaching Style Every teacher has their own style of teaching  and what works for some may not work for others. However, the New Year may give you the opportunity to re-think the way that you teach  and to try something new that you have always wanted to try. You can start by asking yourself some questions, like Do I want a student-centered classroom? or Would I like to be more of a guide or a leader? These questions will help guide you in figuring out which teaching style you want for your classroom. 6. Get To Know Students Better Take some time in the new year to get to know your students on a more personal level. This means taking some time to get to know their passions, interests, and family outside of the classroom. The better connection that you have with each individual student, the stronger the  classroom community you can build. 7. Have Better Time Management Skills This new year, take some time to improve your time management skills. Learn to prioritize your tasks and take advantage of technology to really maximize your students learning time. Tech tools are known to keep students engaged in learning longer, so if you really want to maximize your students learning time use these tools every day.   8. Use More Tech Tools There are some great (and affordable!) educational tech tools that are on the market. This January,  make it your goal to try and utilize as many pieces of technology as you can. You can do this, by going to Donorschoose.org and creating a list of all of the items that your classroom needs along with the reasons why. Donors will read your inquiry and purchase the items for your classroom. Its that easy. 9.To Not Take Work Home with You Your goal is to not take your work home with you so that you can spend more time with your family doing things that you love. You would think that this seems like an impossible task, but by showing up for work thirty minutes early and leaving thirty minutes late, its very possible.   10. Spice Up Classroom Lesson Plans Every now and then, its fun to spice things up. This New Year,  change up your lessons and see how much fun you will have. Instead of writing everything on the chalkboard, use your interactive whiteboard. If your students are used to you always using textbooks for their lessons, turn the lesson into a game. Find a few ways to change up your normal way that you do things and you will see the spark being lit in your classroom once again.

Monday, February 17, 2020

English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

English - Essay Example Indeed, benefits to Britain’s economic vitality have been well documented. But the arts and cultural pursuits in Britain have long played a far more profound and spiritual role than pounds and pennies, one that inspires and replenishes the soul. â€Å"The arts broaden horizons, stimulate new thinking, provide pleasure and raise aspirations – they inspire and sustain the spirit. More people are enjoying the arts than ever before (76 percent in 2008-09)† (â€Å"Why the Arts Matter,† 2010). Nevertheless, a crippling economic downturn and Europe’s largest budget deficit have raised a stumbling block that may well prove insurmountable for the arts’ single greatest patron – the British government. Name 2 Background Cuts as high as 40 percent come as hard news for arts and cultural institutions nationwide, which have benefited from an unprecedented growth in government funding over the past decade. Between 2000 and 2010, there has been an inc rease of approximately ?200 million in arts funding. In London, many arts organizations receive as much as 50 percent of their funding from the government. The impact on the city’s cultural life could be massive. London’s venerable museums may have to charge admission, a move that could cut deeply into the tourism market (Faoila, 2010). MPs have expressed concern over the curtailment of artistic activities and events and have recommended a program that would reward regional philanthropy in an effort to mitigate the damage (Phillips, 2011). Britain boasts a grand, centuries-old cultural heritage: one need only stroll through Westminster, where lie Dickens, Chaucer, Tennyson and other luminaries, to appreciate the nation’s unique contribution to Western civilization. As such, the likelihood that Britain’s coalition government could drastically curtail, or discontinue, funding for Britain’s cultural institutions amounts to nothing less than a national crisis of identity. For a nation deep in the grips of a persistent recession, adopting the American model of private philanthropy may do irreparable damage to Britain’s vibrant arts community (Faiola, 2010). With no government-sponsored alternatives on the horizon, Britons is facing a permanent marginalization of the arts, not in the short term but over time, proceeding almost imperceptibly, gradually blotting out some of the brightest stars in Britain’s cultural firmament. Name 3 Shakespeare under siege One could as well imagine the pawning of the crown jewels as entertain the possibility that The Royal Shakespeare Company could fall victim to the balance sheet. But in a report to Parliament, the company warned of dire consequences should budget cuts proceed under the current plans, which make it clear that cuts on the scale proposed (25 – 40 percent) will have real and significant impact for the arts and for the audience who enjoy them. Most likely for us it will mean fewer productions, less touring, and a curtailment of the free events and educational activities which help us reach new audiences† (â€Å"Parliamentary business,† 2011). This holds dire regional repercussions, given the presence the company maintains throughout the country. More specifically, the New Vic Theater in North Staffordshire, which receives about 30 percent of its funding through the Arts Council, played host to 175,000 visitors in 2010. This is significant, since the theater earns about 60 percent of its income

Monday, February 3, 2020

A Strategic report on The CrossChannel Transport Business and Essay

A Strategic report on The CrossChannel Transport Business and Eurotunnel (GET.SA) - Essay Example Choice affects outcomes and this is the nature of strategy. Whereas organizations can often function just fine in periods of stability, this is not appropriate for long-term success. Environmental turbulence and competition are sure to increase at some point, at which the company that was relying so heavily on the stability will be adversely affected. This is the very basis of the formation of strategic management. Whatever strategy a company decides to employ will be based on their unique organizational structure, their access to resources, their relationship with the environment, and their desired objective(s) (Wikipedia, 2008). Capacity on Cross-Channel traffic has grown with the opening of the tunnel in 1994, and with bigger modernized ferries, and fast hydrofoil services. Unlike low-cost airlines where lower prices have led to a growth in travel, demand for vehicle transit across the channel has not also grown rapidly, therefore and intensely competitive situation persists, especially away from holiday 'peaks'. It is easily notable here that while Eurotunnel is experience steadiness, they are not experiencing the growth they desire. People have other choices for travel, such as flying. When the price of airline travel goes down, Eurotunnel experiences less business. Road freight traffic grows steadily with economic growth in the EU; car traffic (especially from the UK) is largely dependent on shopping and vacation choices. Eurotunnel also has 'rail-user' customers 'Eurostar' and 'Rail-freight'; the former is growing rapidly, the latter has problems. According to the company information that is provided to the public on their corporate website, "Eurotunnel is the holder, until 2086, of the Concession to operate the cross-Channel Fixed Link made up of twin rail tunnels and a service tunnel below the bed of the Straits of Dover, of two terminals in Folkestone (Kent) and Coquelles (Pas-de-Calais) which provide access, as well as a fleet of 25 Shuttles which transport passenger vehicles or trucks. This impressive undersea structure, the longest in the world, also gives passage to passenger and freight carrying trains belonging to rail operators" (Eurotunnel, 2008). There are current and future key issues and trends that are likely to affect this market and GET.SA's strategy-making. One major issue is the abolishment of the Strategic Rail Authority in 2006, as it is yet to be determined how this will strategically affect the industry. The United Kingdom's growth rate largely determines the condition of the passenger and freight transport markets in the country. According to Bharat Book Review: "The present economic climate remains favourable for companies operating in the market, with economic growth steady, and both inflation and unemployment levels relatively low by historical standards. Rail passenger markets benefit from the fact that work-related trips, both the journey to work and trips undertaken as part of business activity, are likely to be relatively inelastic to short-term changes in the economic climate. Rail freight, which serves markets for the carriage of industrial materials, is likely to be relatively unaffected by any short-ter m fluctuations in consumer demand (2006). There are other customer concerns that are affecting this market. First of all, they are concerned about issues such as safety and security.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Kiwi Ultra Fruit Juice Strategy Analysis

Kiwi Ultra Fruit Juice Strategy Analysis Prabhjot Singh Cheema Ques1 (a): Strategic planning: It deals with the big image of the organisation. It is considered as an organisational activity which is used to set predominance along with focus on energy and resources and strengthening operations. It also ensures that whether the employees and stakeholders are working together for a common goal with the establishment of agreements which intend to show outcomes/results. The most important thing for this plan is it is not a monument, but at end it is way for a firm to achieve its purpose. The main purpose of this plan is setting overall or long term goals for business and achieves those goals. Such a long term plan looks into four or five years in to the future. It also involves stepping back from every day operations and review where business is headed and what its next priorities should. It includes business, its vision, firms identity and the direction in which firm is heading. (b): Operational planning: the operational planning refers to the steps which are to be considered and followed to carry out the organisations goals. Moreover, it is the planning in which strategic goals are broken into small activities and aims which are planned to reach out to vision and goals. This plan is to represents high detail information to direct people in performing everyday tasks. This plan provides who, when, what and how much is required to complete the task. That mean, the strategies which are to be considered with the persons who will be responsible for specific tasks and timelines when the tasks are to be completed with the financial resources available for those strategies. The main purpose of this plan is to provide firm with a clear image of their tasks and responsibilities with referring to common goals and objectives contained in strategic plan. Ques2: (a): considering myself as the CEO of kiwi ultra fruit juice I would make a complete strategic plan by setting goals visions. Three strategic goals in my strategic plan will be: Making a vision to expand the business into other areas of NZ so that company can earn more in slow economy as well. Another mission will be to favourably price the products by reviewing with that of other competitors. The last goal of the company will be to move the brand into some other foreign lands with a complete strategic plan. (b): In order to expand the business the company need to take actions such as the very first action will be to clearly define the market. This seems to be a very simple step. Kiwi ultra juice need to consider the demographics and locations and interest or needs of  customers of that specific location. In this way the company can bring out products which are more preferred by specific located people. Moreover, company can perform market analysis. It will involve more market research targeting customers. Secondly, in order to develop the business internationally, the company should increase their sales in the existing markets as well as they should develop more products than only orange juice. This will bring their company to next level. They should launch products which completely differentiate them from their competitors and develop a new image. Ques3: (A): control process: It is a continuous process. The four steps involved in control process are: 1. Setting up of control standards: every company plan their activities in advance. On the basis of these plans, goals and objectives are fixed for every department and branch. 2. Measurement of performance (Actual): this is the second step in controlling process. Its actual performance is measured against the standard sets. This step will let the management know whether they are working according to the plans or not. 3. Compare measured performance against established standards: this step in the control process is for making comparisons of actual performance with the standards sets. The main purpose of this step is to (a) find out the deviations if in case (b) and know the reasons for such deviations. 4. Take corrective actions: last and most important step in this process is taking corrective actions. Efforts are needed to be made if performance is out or less than the standards (B) Types of control: Feed Forward: in this type of control, deviations are predicted and measured and actions are taken before the occurrence of such errors. If such errors are not measured then the systems will not get output as the firm has desired. Concurrent: this type of control takes place whilst activity is in progress. This process involves regulation of activities which are being carried out ensuring that they conform to the standards of the organisation. It is designed to make sure that employee working activities are bringing the correct outputs and results. Feedback control: this types of control focuses mainly on the output of the organisation after the completion of whole transformation. It is also called as output control or post action. It is also important to note that this step is mostly preferred when other two seems to be more costly or not feasible. (c) Two examples of feed forward control that kiwi ultra juice might use to ensure that its products are of highest quality: 1. In case of kiwi ultra juice organisation should have checked the prices before charging premium charges and also produce more varieties of juice in the market. 2. The company should also have checked the image of its competitors and then they have taken such actions through which they can present their company and products in a better way ensuring the quality of the brand. (d) Using concurrent control to achieve its objective: concurrent control is an ongoing process step in which measures can be taken when the process is working. In case of kiwi ultra juice, company should have changed its premium prices when they realise the charges are high as comparative to other brands. And this will help them to increase their sale and achieve companies objectives. While, in case of feedback control, the company can use the advices of marketing experts researchers and can plan to expand the brand in other foreign lands and can earn good revenue. But in this case company need to make good plans and launch product in a more productive way. Ques4: SIMPLE ORGANIZATIONAL CHART FOR TUCKERS COMPANY:-       Mr. Harnett, president of Tucker Company explained board of directors regarding his reorganisation of company. The company is divided into three divisions as: commercial, military jet engines utility turbines (lab operating) with a VP for every division and individual manager. Each division has their own departments. Ques 5: Mr. Hodge, Head of the laboratory operation and Mr. Franklin, departmental manager of Engineering department, Utility Turbine division had conflicts over the work of tests that were to be carried out for engineering dept. of utility divisions. The main issue was the involvement of Mr. Hodge in the experiments and its design and selection of materials and evaluation process of the experiments. He felt that laboratory should be involved in all department experiments and divisions as well. On the other side, Mr. Franklin did not liked the idea of Mr. Hodge and did not want laboratory to get involved in all such cases. Hence there is a clear conflict between both department managers and over their roles. Moreover, there is also interpersonal kind of conflict. Some of the conflict between both the managers is also due to the organisational structure in past and also due to the personalities of both the heads of the department. Looking on to the organisation, the reason for the rising of the conflicts is extension of facilities of departments to all other departments and divisions. Illustrating this, the laboratory was under Military jet engine division and they have to provide facilities to all departments. The laboratory has more work towards military so it should not inclined more towards other experiments and tests from other divisions. Hence, the work load gets high and then conflicts start between interdepartmental and interdivisions. Because lab manager has to report to military jet engines vice president, it was not separate on its own. Ques6 : New organisational structure for TUCKERS COMPANY: Such a design ensures that department which provides help to other departments of all divisions would not only limit to single division. So, the common department will be able to provide and extend their services to all other divisions and departments. The laboratory will be directly under the control of president and can be named as shared services division department. This can be termed as matrix structure of organisation. The advantage of such a chart would be that this new shared department would be accessible to all departments for all their tasks and can be performed without any bias. The disadvantage of such a division will be that new division formed will be autonomous and even if it had manager like Mr. Hodge who always think of its own rather than company will act in irresponsible manner. Ques7: Centralization versus Decentralization: Centralisation refers to the process in which activities of an organisation are mostly controlled by the top managers. Here, top managers make key decisions with little or no input. They make planning on the basis of decision making and becoming more concentrated within a specific group or location. The environment is more stable as well decisions are significant. Whereas, Decentralisation refers to the process where decisions are mostly made by or delegated to the lower levels of the firm. Managers are mostly close to the action so more of the responsibility is sent towards to them. Companies mostly decentralise for managers to get more of the work done. It helps to motivate them more as well as helps to develop lower level personnel. Mechanistic vs. Organic : Mechanistic refers to clear chain of control an is more formal. This structure runs like a machine and individuals and functions behave more in a predictable way. This structure mostly works well when the environment is certain and even there is little change. People are more willing to obey and corporate and the work is repeating. Production is more. On the other hand Organic structure refers to flat structure. In this the firm uses cross-hierarchical and cross-functional teams. The company has low formalisation and has a comprehensive information network. The company works like a creature. Communication is more horizontal. Ques8: (a): Ans: The tuckers company should be more centralised and mechanistic. The authority of decision making should be handed to the president of the company because most of the managers working in the firm are inclined towards their personal status rather than the companys status. In such a way organisation top level make the decisions and work is carried by lower employees in a more orderly manner. Another reason for the company to be more centralised is the environment is more certain and stable. Mangers like Mr. Hodge and Mr. Franklin had created more conflicts because the decision was in their hands. Such an environment affected the output of the laboratory results. In a centralised and mechanistic structure, organisation runs like a machine. Decisions are more significant. All managers have their clear tasks and roles and divisions which will not make confusion or raise a conflict. (b): Ans: The type of span that would be suitable for the tucker company is wide span of control. The reason behind the wide span of control is there will be fewer managers in the organisation. More the managers, more is the conflict as it can be clearly seen in the tuckers company. Another reason for this is with one or two managers, the employees will be on same level and they can work with each other. All the employees will be delegated clear duties and tasks . Such kind of supervision and control can create more positive friendly environment among all members. So in such a case conflicts would be less among managers and output will be more. REFERENCES:- Management, F., Managment, S., Management, I., Management, P., Marketing, P., Management, M. et al. (2017). BusinessStudyNotes. BusinessStudyNotes. Retrieved 18 January 2017, from http://www.businessstudynotes.com/ Operational planning: the Purpose of an Operational Plan. (2017). Leoisaac.com. Retrieved 18 January 2017, from http://www.leoisaac.com/operations/top025.htm 5-Step Primer to Entering New Markets. (2017). Inc.com. Retrieved 18 January 2017, from http://www.inc.com/karl-and-bill/5-step-primer-to-entering-new-markets.html Steps Involved in Control Process. (2017). YourArticleLibrary.com: The Next Generation Library. Retrieved 18 January 2017, from http://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/management/controlling/steps-involved-in-control-process/53348/ Strategic Management :: Concurrent Control. (2017). Strategic-control.24xls.com. Retrieved 18 January 2017, from http://www.strategic-control.24xls.com/en106

Friday, January 17, 2020

Performance appraisal system of milma Essay

1.1Introduction to the study In the business world. Investment is made in machinery, equipments and services. Quite naturally time and money is spent ensuring that they provide what their suppliers claim. In other words, the performance is constantly appraised against the results expected. When it comes to one of the most expensive resources companies invest in, namely people, the job appraising performance against results is often carried out with the same objectivity. Each individual has a role to play and management has to ensure that individuals objective translate to overall corporate objective of the organization. The process of HRD helps the employees to acquire and or develop technical, managerial and behavioral knowledge, skills and abilities and moulds the values, beliefs and attitudes necessary to perform present and future roles. The process of performance appraisal helps the employee and the management to know the level of employee’s performance compared to the standard/ pre- determined level. Performance appraisal is essential to understand and improve the employee’s performance through HRD. It was viewed that performance appraisal was useful to decide upon employee promotion/transfer, salary determination. However, the recent developments in human resource management indicate that performance appraisal is the basis for employee development. Human Resource (or personnel) management, in the sense of getting things done through people, is an essential part of every manager’s responsibility, but many organizations find it advantageous to establish a specialist division to provide an expert service dedicated to ensuring that the human resource function is performed efficiently. â€Å"People are our most valuable asset† is a clichà ©, which no member of any senior management team would disagree with. Yet, the reality for many organizations is that their people remain undervalued, under trained and underutilized. Performance Appraisal is the process of assessing the performance and progress of an employee or a group of employees on a given job and his /  their potential for future development. It consists of all formal procedures used in the working organizations to evaluate personalities, contributions and potentials of employees. HRM practices mostly depend upon strategy adapted by the company. Similarly, performance appraisal practices also depend on the strategy. Traditional technique of performance appraisal is appropriate for the stability and sustainable growth strategy. Similarly, appraisal by superior is appropriate for these strategies. Modern performance appraisal technique is sustainable for growth strategies like expansion, diversification, joint venture, merger and acquisitions. These strategies helps the company to meet competition, built competencies, acquire strength, enhance market share, innovate and create new, market, new product and new technologies. Performance appraisal was formerly used for the purpose of evaluating the employee’s performance and controlling the performance against the set standard. This technique was used to control the employee ignoring the human aspect. However, with the emergence of human resource concept, organizations are using this technique to analyze employee’s performance and to further improve or develop it. Thus, this technique is used as an enabling and motivating tool to improve the performance. 1.3 RESEARCH PROBLEM The problem selected for research is to make an in depth study of performance appraisal system of MILMA at THRISSUR. Performance appraised is the systematic description of an employee’s job relevant strength and weakness. It is aimed at knowing how the employees feel about the system that is prevailing in the firm, their suggestions if any for making system effective and to know whether it satisfies the need of company and employee. Thus the main problem behind is to make the performance appraisal an effective tool to improve employees work level and their productivity 1.4 TITTLE OF STUDY The study entitled â€Å" a study on performance appraisal system at supervisory level of Milma in Thrissur 1.4 SCOPE OF THE STUDY In every business organization, the most important asset is its employees in  all level. The performance appraisal is a systematic process consisting of number of steps to be followed for evaluating an employee’s strength and weakness. It is a systematic and objective description of an employee’s strength and weakness in terms of job. The appraisal is continuous and ongoing process where the evaluation is arranged periodically according to definite plan. This study would provide valuable suggestion to management. The presented study related to the survey including the office staff of various departments. 1.5 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Performance appraisal have been considered as the most significance as indispensible tool for an organization. For an organization, information it provides is highly useful in making decisions regarding various personnel aspect such as promotion and merit increases. Performance measure also link information gathering and decision making processes, which provides a basis for judging the effectiveness of personnel sub divisions such as recruiting, selection, training and compensation. Accurate information plays a vital role in the organization as a whole. They help in finding out weakness in the primary area. Formal performance appraisal plans are designed to meet three needs of the organization and other two of individual namely: They provide systematic judgments to back up salary increase, transfers demotion or termination They are the means of telling a subordinate how he is doing and suggesting needed change in his behavior attitude skill or job knowledge. They let him know where h e stands. Superior uses them as basis for coaching and counseling the individual 1.6 OBJECTIVE OF STUDY To study the performance appraisal system in MILMA DIARY THRISSUR To know the employees awareness of performance appraisal system To know the satisfaction level of employees with current performance appraisal system To suggest measures for improving current system 1.7 RESAERCH METHODOLOGY RESEARCH DESIGN Research design gives the outline of a research work that involves planning  for data and analyzing the collected data. The research design is the conceptual structure within which research is conducted. There are 2 type of research design Exploratory research designs Conclusive research design Descriptive research design Causal research design Tools and techniques The tools and technique involve various accounting technique and statistical tools like percentage, which are used as a device to analyze and interpret the performance appraisal of Milma. Graphs, tables figures, pie and bar diagram are used as it helps in presenting facts and figures in simple and easy way so as to get a clear idea. DATA COLLECTION Primary data Secondary data Primary data: the primary data was collected through personal interview and questionnaire given to the staff at supervisory level. Each individual employee in the sample was separately interviewed and asked to fill the questionnaire Secondary data: Data, which are not originally collected but rather obtained from published or unpublished. Secondary data used in study are project reports and records. Questionnaire Construction Questionnaires were constructed based on the following types: †¢ Open ended questions †¢ Close ended questions †¢ Multiple choice questions Sampling method Survey is used as a sampling method. Out of total employees, 50 employees are selected as samples. And data was collected through questionnaire method. FIELD OF STUDY: Milma at Thrissur DURATION OF STUDY: Three week 1.8 LIMITATION OF STUDY: Employees were reluctant to reveal their problem freely before students Personal bias and prejudice of the respondent could have affected the result of study Most of the respondents seem to be very busy with their jobs and are not interested in answering the questionnaire CHAPTER – II PROFILES 2.1 INDUSTRY PROFILE MILK INDUSTRY Milk and milk based industries plays an important role in the world. Internationalization remains a key focus for almost all of the world’s leading dairy farm. The entire world’s largest dairy farm operates in more than one country and some of them are truly international with the activities in every part of the world. The availability of milk and milk product, in the modern world is blend of the centuries old knowledge of traditional milk product with the application of modern science and technology. Diary is a place where handling of milk and milk product is done. WORLD SCENARIO HISTORY OF INTERNATIONAL DIARY FEDERATION The internal diary federation, with its head quarter brissels, was established in 1903 and consists of 32 member countries throughout the  world. UNICEF has been the motivating force for establishing diary industry in many under developed countries. One of these in India, where large processing plant have been set up to process locally produced milk or to reconstitute milk from donated or purchased milk fat and powder. Domestic milk production has increased in India and a part of the pasteurized milk is provided free to children in the larger cities through UNICEF. The first co-operative artificial breeding association was organized in Denmark in 1936. There are now many such association which helped the diary industries. After 1950, diary industry faced a wide range of development throughout the world. INDIAN SCENARIO ORIGIN OF THE INDUSTRY Indian diary sector has come a long way during the past independence era of acute milk shortage and depended on foreign aid in the form of milk powder to meet the growing milk demand. India’s milk production in 1950-1951 was low as million tones. The diary sector in India has shown remarkable development in past decades and India has shown now become one of the largest producer of milk and the value added milk product in the world. Today Company has emerged as the second largest milk producer in the world currently there are over 275 diary plants and 83 milk products factories in co-operative, public and private sector. The world famous ‘Anand Milk Union Limited’ popularly known as Amul was established in 1946 and the National Dairy Development Board was set up in 1965. Kerala Cooperative Marketing Milk Federation (KCMMF) popularly known as Milma was established in April 1980. Diary co-operative accounts major share of processed liquid milk marketed in the country. Milk is processed and marketed by 170 milk producers’ co-operative unions, which federated into 15 state Co-operative milk marketing federation. By the end of the third phase of operation flood programme about 72700 dairy co-operative societies with 93 million farmer member where organization. The company has at present one lakh organized primary village diary co-operative with an aggregate membership of 1.1 crore producers. The co-operative milk procurement crossed 20-millon kg/day in 2004-05. Over the years, brand created by cooperatives have become synonymous with quality and value. In Kerala there are 3243 dairy  co-operative includding2404 Anand pattern society functioning under KCMMF. Milam represents more than 7.63 lakh diary framers who have organized 2404 Anand pattern diary cooperative diary societies. It also represents 10 diaries, handling 9.96 lakh liters milk/ day chilling plant, 2 cattle plant, a milk powder plant, an established training center and 5000 distribution outlets. OPERATION FLOOD The dairy program called operation flood was launched in 1970 under the aegis of NDDB. NDDB. Functional as technical consultant and the rest while Indian diary co-operation as the funding agency as the ideology followed by the operation flood was the remuneration linking of rural milk producing centered with the demand centers so as to build up a viable dairy industry. STATE SCENARIO OPERATION FLOOD IN KERALA The operation flood in Kerala was included in the second phase of operation flood (1981-87) the 8th southern district from Trivandrum to Thrissur were included in the area of the project which has a total outlay of Rs. 99 crores. The uncovered northern area from Palakad to Kasargod was thus brought under the co-operative umbrella with the inspection of north Kerala Dairy Project. KERALA CO-OPERATIVE MILK MARKETING FEDERATION LIMITED (KCMMF) The Kerala Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation (KCMMF) popularly called ‘Milma’ was established in April 1980 as a part of operation flood 2nd program, with head office at Thiruvananthapuram. It was started under the indo Swiss project. The project was launched in 1963 based on a bilateral agreement execute between the Swiss Confederation and the Government of India. The project was made great strides in the improvement of livestock farming in the state. One of them is the development of Swiss brown a cross bread suited for the state condition. The project is now Kerala livestock board. Its main motive was to implement the operation flood program started by NDDB in Kerala. KCMMF has played a major role in the development of dairying in the state. It has a strong presence in the market. With an  ever-increasing demand for the entire product manufactured by KCMMF, it is necessary that efforts be taken to fill in the gaps arising out of inadequate supply. The KCMMF is a three-tier system with the primary milk co-operative societies at village level, regional milk producers union at middle level and an apex body at the state level. At present there are three regional co-operative unions operating. They are: 1. Trivandrum regional Co-operative Milk Producers Union limited (TRCMPU) 2. Ernakulum Regional Co-operative Milk Producers Union Limited (ERCMPU) 3. Malabar Regional Co-operative Milk Marketing Producers Union Limited (MRCMPU) 2.2 ORGANISATIONAL PROFILE Brand household name, ‘MILMA’ stands for milk and a whole variety of milk products, which enjoy the confidence of each Keralite, for their unmatched quality and standard. The name also signifies the vast organization Kerala Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation (KCMMF) with it units of procurement, processing and sale spread over all the villages and towns of the state, giving employment and prosperity to a large number of small and marginal farmers including women and the landless, processing employees and sellers. KCMMF was established in 1980 with its Head Office at Thiruvananthapuram for the successful implementation of the dairy programme ‘Operation Flood’ under NDDB. Over the years, MILMA has developed a long-term health perspective about the people of the state, who suffer from life style diseases including diabetes and obesity, albeit economic prosperity. So, MILMA has attuned its products to ensure balanced nutrition as well as reduced cost of healthcare and also launched new beverages other than milk products. Founded because of the great democratic principle ‘of the People, by the People and for the People’, the dominant concern of MILMA is to render true service to society while ensuring that it does not incur losses. Organizational study is conducted in the Kerala Co-operative milk marketing federation popularly known as Milma at Thrissur diary is under the control of ERCMPU ltd Edapilly. This regional union was registered 12/09/1985 and is an ISO: 9001:2000 certified company. The company aims in the socio-economic progress of dairy farmer by procuring  their milk at most remunerative price around the year and by ensuring consumer Satisfaction through prompt satisfaction of prompt supply of pasteurized milk products. Now 142 APCOS are functioning and milk from these societies are collected twice per day by diary around the year. By providing input facilities such as veterinary services, cattle feed supply, insemination facilities, support for folder department activities and manpower training on scientific aspect of clean milk providing to dairy farmers. The capacity of Thrissur plant is 60000liter/day. Every day they procure 34000-liter milk from primary society twice per day by milk routs. In this unit, they produce ghee, buttermilk and milk. Thrissur dairy have seven departments. Among this, one is handled directly from the head office. The departments are Procurement and input section Marketing Engineering Quality control Production Accounts Procurement and administration For procuring milk from primary society, vehicles are used on basis of contract with the owners. Three-tier system is followed for this purpose. If any one of them could not meet the requirement, then it is given to the third party. In each department one assistant manager is been appointed. The name Milma represents 2568 primary milk co-operative societies 7.5 lakh farmer members 3 regional co-operative milk producers union 11 dairies capable of handling 9- 90 lakh liters of milk per day 13 milk chilling centers 2 cattle feed plant with cumulative capacity of 600 MT per day One milk powder plant of 10 MT/ day A well established training centers 5200 retail outlets Over 32000 people working directly or indirectly for the functions of Milma  apart from these Milma serve millions of consumer day in and day out. OBJECTIVES To channelize marketable surplus milk from rural area to urban deficit area to maximize the return to the producer and provide quality milk and milk products to the consumer. To carry out activities for promoting production, procurement, processing and marketing of milk and milk products for the economic development of farming community To build up a viable diary industry in the state To provide constant market and stable price to the diary farmers for their producers. MILMA NETWORKS The motto of co-operative â€Å"of the people, by the people, and for the people† is the three-tier structure followed by the organization. At the village level, they have the village milk co-operatives societies, which have the local milk producers as its members. The village co-operative unit at the regional level form regional co-operative milk producer unions. These unions are federated at the state level to form state federated namely Kerala Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation (KCMMF). MILMA’S ASSOCIATES Milma is in constant touch with other organization in this sector. It is namely through this tremendous change that Milam grew from a small diary co-operative to the position it holds today. CHIEF ASSOCIATES ARE: National diary development board NDDB under Dr. Kurien’s guidance set up KCMMF in 1980. Ever since they, there has been a very close co-operation between NDDB and the federation. NDDB are the originator of the operation flood programme and have been funding agent for the operation flood project in Kerala. AMUL The diary co-operative of Gujarat have been the inspiration of the  development of such a vast network of diary co-operative in Kerala. Among the co-operative in Gujarat, the kaira district co-operative milk producer union (AMUL) is the first in this sector. Its cooperative is called â€Å"Anand Pattern Co-operative Societies† following the illustrious lineage of AMUL. GOVERNMENT OF KERALA The phenomenal success of dairy co-operatives in Kerala could not have been achieved without the foundation of animal husbandry activities, led by animal husbandry department and Kerala livestock department development board of the government of Kerala. ORGANISATIONAL CHART DIARY MANAGER P & A P& I ACCOUNTS MARKETING ENGINEERING PRODUCTION QUALITY CONTROL Junior Assistant A/c officer Assistant Technical TS dairy Dairy Supervisor PO Marketing Supervisor Chemist Officer Junior Senior Junior Marketing Junior Plant Lab Assistant Supervisor Supervisor Organizer Assistant Operator Technician Junior Junior Marketing Technician Plant attender Lab Supervisor Assistant Assistant Assistant Attender Attender FUNCTIONAL AREAS OF KCMMF KCMMF HEAD OFFICE Provides staff management functions to support its units and regional milk unions. KCMMF head office has a well established marketing, quality control, production , finance, HRD. MARKETING Brand management Lean flush management Bulk trading of surplus products Institutional supply contracts Co-ordinate promotional activities Packaging and product development Procurement and consumer pricing PURCHASE Centralized purchase of dairy consumables. Purchase of raw materials for cattle feed plants Purchase function of KCMMF head office QUALITY CONTROL Render technical and legal assistance to primary dairy co-operatives and regional milk unions. Liaison and maintain quality of milk and milk products as per the standards Liaison with statutory authorities for bringing in suitable amendments in statutes Attend to consumer complaints on quality problem FINANCE Financial management of KCMMF and its units. Liaison with financial institutions for availing loan for creation of infrastructure. Liaison with government for availing government financial assistance Long term repayment and scheduling of loans Capital management scheme for primary co-operative societies. Recommend remunerations of APCOS employees. HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELPOEMENT Milma family has 2098 skilled, efficient and qualified personnel and has an excellent labour relationship. Take active role in farming personnel policies and service rules. Finalize long-term wage settlement, bonus etc. CHAPTER III LITERATURE REVIEW LITERATURE REVIEW Rationale of performance appraisal Performance appraisals are one of the most important requirements for successful business and human resource policy (Kressler, 2003). Rewarding and promoting effective performance in organizations, as well as identifying ineffective performers for developmental programs or other personnel actions are essential to effective to human resource management (Pulakos, 2003). The ability to conduct performance appraisals relies on the ability to assess an employee’s performance in a fair and accurate manner. Evaluating employee performance is a difficult task. . Once the supervisor understands the nature of the job and the sources of information, the information needs to be collected in a systematic way, provided as feedback, and integrated into the organization’s performance management process for use in making compensation, job placement, and training decisions and assignments (London, 2003). After a review of literature, a performance appraisal model will be described in detail. The model discussed is an example of a performance appraisal system that can be implemented in a large institution of higher education, within the Student Affairs division. The model can be applied to tope level, middle-level and lower level employees. Evaluation instruments (forms) are provided to assist you with implementation the appraisal system. Introduction to performance appraisal Performance evaluations have been conducted since the times of Aristotle (Landy, Zedeck, Cleveland, 1983). The earliest formal employee performance evaluation program is thought to have originated in the United States military establishment shortly after the birth of the republic (Lopez, 1968). The measurement of an employee’s performance allows for rational administrative decisions at the individual employee level. It also provides for the raw data for the evaluation of the effectiveness of such personnel- system components and processes as recruiting policies, training programs, selection rules, promotional strategies, and reward allocations (Landy, Zedeck, Cleveland, 1983). In addition, it provides the foundation for behaviorally based employee counseling. In the counseling setting, performance information provides the vehicle for increasing satisfaction, commitment, and motivation of the employee. Performance measurement allows the organization to tell the employee something about their rates of growth, their competencies, and their potentials. There is little disagreement that if well done, performance measurements and feedback can play a valuable role in effecting the grand compromise between the needs of the individual and the needs of the organization (Landy, Zedeck, Cleveland, 1983). Performance appraisals should focus on three objectives: Purpose of performance appraisal system Performance, not personalities; valid, concrete, relevant issues, rather than subjective emotions and feelings; reaching agreement on what the employee is going to improve in his performance and what you are going to do (McKirchy, 1998). Both the supervisor and employee should recognize that a strong relationship exists between training and performance evaluation (Barr, 1993). Each employee should be allowed to participate in periodic sessions to review performance and clarify expectations. Both the supervisor and the employee should recognize these sessions as constructive occasions for two-way communication. Sessions should be scheduled ahead of time in a comfortable setting and should include opportunities for self-assessment as well as supervisor feedback. These sessions will be particularly important for new employees who will benefit from early identification of performance problems. Once these observations have been shared, the supervisor and employee should develop a mutual understanding about areas for improvement,  problems that need to be corrected, and additional responsibilities that might be undertaken. When the goals are identified, a plan for their achievement should be developed. The plan may call for resources or support from other staff members in order to meet desired outcomes. In some cases, the plan might involve additional training. The supervisor should keep in contact with the employee to assure the training experiences are producing desired impact (Barr, 1993). A portion of the process should be devoted to an examination of potential opportunities to pursue advancement of acceptance of more complex responsibilities. The employee development goals should be recognized as legitimate, and plans should be made to re ach the goals through developmental experiences or education (Barr, 1993). Encouraging development is not only a supervisor’s professional responsibility, but it also motivates an employee to pursue additional commitments. In addition, the pursuit of these objectives will also improve the prospect that current employees will be qualified as candidates when positions become available. This approach not only motivates current performance but also assists the recruitment of current employees as qualified candidates for future positions (Barr, 1993). How to arrive? Reasons why need to be done Benefits of productive performance appraisals. – Employee learns of his or her own strengths in addition to weaknesses. – New goals and objectives are agreed upon. – Employee is an active participant in the evaluation process. – The relationship between supervisor and employees is taken to an adult-to-adult level. – Work teams may be restructured for maximum efficiency. – Employee renews his or her interest in being a part o f the organization now and in the future. – Training needs are identified. – Time is devoted to discussing quality of work without regard to money issues. – Supervisor becomes more comfortable in reviewing the performance of employees. – Employees feel that they are taken seriously as individuals and that the supervisor is truly concerned about their needs and goals. (Randi, Toler, Sachs, 1992). Pitfalls to Avoid performance appraisal When conducting performance appraisals on any level, it is important to keep in mind the common pitfalls to avoid. These pitfalls may include but are not limited to : 1. Bias/prejudice. Race, religion, education, family background, age and/or sex. 2. Trait assessment. Too much attention to characteristics that have nothing to do with job and are difficult to measure. 3. Over-emphasis on favorable or unfavorable performance of one or two task, which could lead to an unbalanced evaluation of the overall contribution. 4. Relying on impression rather than on facts. 5. Holding the employees responsible for factors beyond his/her control. 6. Failure to provide each employee with an opportunity for advance preparation (Maddux 1993 LEGAL IMPLICATIONS Any performance appraisal system used to make employment decisions about a member of a protected class (i.e. Based on age, race, religion, gender, or national origin) must be a valid system (an accurate measure of performance associated with job requirements). Otherwise, it can be challenged in the courts based on Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act of 1991 and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1975 (London, 2003). Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection 1978 is the controlling federal law in the area of performance appraisals. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) requires that any measurement used to differentiate between employees must be valid and fairly administered. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) suggests that performance appraisals for people with disabilities for people with disabilities will not be conducted any differently than those for other employees. Another important aspect to consider is the employee’s right to privacy. Employees must have complete access to their personnel files, but others should have controlled access. The records should be accurate, relevant, and current. Rewards Effective reward systems are often hard to establish when creating performance appraisals. The question of how specific the reward, when the  reward should be given, and how to reward group efforts can be a tricky subject to master. Our advice on this is to keep it simple. It is important to have an established reward system. However, rewards can be as simple as more autonomy on the job, praise for progress, additional professional development funding, and vacation time. The important aspect to remember when establishing reward systems is to be consistent. If two employees are being evaluated in the same way, their reward opportunities should reflect their evaluation outcomes. THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK Meaning Performance appraisal system is a method of evaluating the behavior of employees in the work spot normally including both the qualitative and quantitative and qualitative aspect of job performance. Performance here refers to the degree of accomplishment of the task that makes up an individual’s job. It indicates how well an individual is fulfilling the job demand. Some of the important features of performance appraisal may be captured thus Performance appraisal is the systematic description of employee’s job relevant strength and weakness. The basic purpose is to find out how well the employee is performing the job and establish a plan of improvement Appraisals are arranged periodically according to a definite plan. Performance appraisal is not job evaluation. Performance appraisal refers to how well someone is doing the assigned job. Job evaluation determines how much a job is worth to the organization and therefore what range of pay should be assigned to the job. Performance appraisal is a continuous process in every large-scale organization. NEED FOR PEORFORMANCE APPRAISAL Performance appraisal is needed in order to: Provide information about the performance ranks basing on which decision regarding salary fixation, confirmation, promotion, transfer and demotion are taken. Provide feedback information about the level of achievement and behavior of subordinate. The information helps to review the performance of subordinates, rectifying performance deficiencies and to set new standards of work, if necessary. Provide information, which helps to counsel the  subordinates. To prevent grievances and in disciplinary activities. WHO WILL APPRAISE 360-degree performance appraisal: the appraiser may be any person who has thorough knowledge about the job content, contents to be appraised standards of content, and who observers the employee while performing a job. Typical appraisers are supervisors, peers, subordinates, employees themselves, user of service Consultant. Performance appraised by all these parties is called 360-degree performance appraisal. Supervisors include superiors of the employee, other supervisors having knowledge about the work of the employee and department head or manager. General practice is that immediate superiors appraise the performance, which in turn is reviewed by the departmental head/manager. This is because supervisors are responsible for managing their subordinates and they have the opportunity to observe, direct and control the subordinates continuously. On the negative side, immediate supervisors may emphasize certain aspect of employee performance to the neglect of others. In addition, managers, have been manipulate evaluation to justify their decision on pay increase and promotions. Peers appraisal may be reliable if the work group is stable over a reasonably long period and performs tasks that require interaction. However, little research has been conducted to determine how peers establish standard for evaluating others or the overall effect of peer appraisal on the group’s attitude. Subordinates: the concept of having superior rated by subordinates is being used in most of the organizations especially in developed countries. Such a  navel method can be useful in other organizational setting too provided the relationship between superior and subordinates are cordial. Subordinates rating in such cases can be quite useful in identifying competent superiors. Self-appraisal: if individuals understand the objective they are expected and the standards by which they are to be evaluated, they are largely in the best position to appraise their own performance. In addition, since employee development means self-development, employees who appraise their own performance may become highly motivated. User of services, customers: The customers or user of services can better judge Employee’s performance in service organization relating to behavior, promptness, speed in doing the job and accuracy. Consultant: sometimes consultant may be engaged for appraisal when employees or employer do not trust supervisor appraisal and management does not trust self appraisal or peer appraisal or subordinates appraisal. In this situation, consultants are trained and they observe the employee at work for sufficiently long time for the purpose of appraisal. METHODS OF PERFORMNACE APPRASIAL With the evolution and development of appraisal system a number of methods and techniques of performance appraisal have been developed. Some of them are TRAIT METHOD Trait method to performance appraisal measures the extent to which employees possess trait or characteristics like dependability, creativity, initiative, dynamism, ability to motivate and leadership. Trait method is based on job description and job specification. Graphic rating scale: graphic rating scale compares individual performance to absolute standards. In this method, judgments about performance are recorded on a scale. This is oldest and widely used technique. One of reason for the popularity of the rating scale is its simplicity, which permits many employees to be quickly evaluated. Such scales have relatively low design cost and high in case of administration. The major drawback to these is their subjectivity and low reliability Ranking method: Under this method, employees are ranked from  best to worst on some characteristics. The rater first finds the employee with the highest performance and the employee with the lowest performance in that particular job category and rates the former as best and the later as the poorest. One important limitation of the ranking method is that the size of the difference between individual is not well defined. Paired comparison method: this method is relatively simple. Under this method, appraiser ranks the employee by comparing one employee with all other employees in the group, one at a time. Forced distribution method: forced distribution method is developed to prevent the rater from rating too high or too low. Under this method, the rater after assigning points to the performance of each employee has to distribute his rating in a pattern to confirm to normal frequency distribution. This method eliminates central tendency and leniency biases. Essay or free form appraisal: this method requires the manager to write a short essay describing each employee’s performance during the rating period. This format emphasizes evaluation of overall performance, based on strength and weakness of employee performance, rather than specific job dimensions. The time involved in writing separate essay about each employee can be formidable. Group appraisal: under this method, a group of appraisers appraises an employee. This group consists of the immediate supervisors of the employee, to other supervisors who have close contact with the employees work, manager or head of the department and consultants. The group appraises the performance of the employee, compared the actual with the standards of performance, find out deviations, discusses the reason therefore, suggest ways for improvements of performance, prepare action plans, study the need for change in the job analysis and standards and recommends change if necessary. Confidential report: assessing the employee’s performance confidentially is a traditional method of performance appraisal. Under this method, superior appraises the performance of the subordinates based on his observation, judgment and intuitions. The superior keeps his judgment and report confidentially. In other words, the superior are not allow the employee to know his report and performance. BEHAVIOURAL METHODS While trait measures various characteristics, behavioral methods measures employee behavioral skill on a continuum. Behavioral checklist method: a  checklist is designed with the list of statements that describe the behavior essential for employee performance. The appraiser checks whether the appraise possess them or not. Employee’s performance is rated based on the behavioral skills that the employee possesses to the total statements. Critical incident method: employee are rated discontinuously, i.e. once in a year or six months under the earlier methods. The performance rated may not reflect real and overall performance as the rater would be serious about the appraisal about two or three weeks before the appraisal. Hence, a continuous appraisal method, i.e. critical incident method was developed. Under this method, the supervisor continuously records the critical incident of the employee performance or behavior relating to all characteristics in a specially designed notebook. The critical incident method has the advantage of being objective because the rater considers the record of the performance rather than the subjective point of opinion. Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS): the BARS method combines elements of the traditional rating scale and critical incident methods. Using BARS, job behavior from critical incidents- effective and ineffective behaviors are described more objectively. This method employs individuals who are familiar with a particular job to identify its major components. They then rank and validate specific behaviors for each of the components. Behavior observation scale (BOS): the appraiser, under this method, measure how frequently each of the behavior has been observed. Appraiser plays the role of observer rather than a judge and provides the feedback to the appraise continuously. Assessment centre: in this approach, individual from various departments are brought together to spend two or three days, working on an individual or group assignment similar to ones they would have been handling when promoted. Observers rank the performance of each participant in order of merit. RESULT METHODS Organizations of contemporary period evaluate employee performance based on accomplishments they achieve rather than based on the behavioral factors/traits. Employee accomplishments include sale turnover, number of units produced, and number of customers served, number of complaints settled and the like. Productivity measures: under the productivity measures of performance appraisal, employees are appraised based on the ratio of output  they turned out to the input they used. The balanced scorecard: it brings the linkage among financial, customer, processes and learning. Learning and people management contribute to the enhancement of internal processes. Internal processes are critical for enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. The balanced scorecard can be used to appraise employee performance. The following recommendations ensure the successful application of balanced scorecard to performance management. Human resource accounting: human resource accounting deals with cost and contribution of human resource to the organization. Cost of the employee includes cost of work force planning, training, development, wages etc. employee contribution is the money value of employee service, which can be measured by labour productivity, or value added by human resource. Management by objectives: MBO is a process whereby the superior and subordinate manager of an organization jointly identifies its common goals, define each individual’s major areas of responsibility in terms of results expected of him, and use these measures of guides for operating the unit and assessing the contribution of its members. SYSTEMS OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL Establish performance standards Communicate standards/ expectations to employee. Measure actual performance by following the instructions. Adjust the actual performance due to the environmental influence Compare the adjusted performance with that of others and previous Compare the actual performance with standards and find out deviations, if any. Communicate the actual performance to the employee concerned. Suggest changes in job analysis and standards, if necessary. Follow – up performance appraisal report. USES OFPERFORMANCE APPRIASAL Performance appraisal has several uses. The important among them are: Performance improvement: performance feedback allows the employees, manager and personnel specialist to intervene with appropriate actions to improve performance Compensation adjustment: A performance evaluation helps decision-makers determine who should receive pay raises. Many firms grant  part or all of their pay increases and bonuses based upon merit, which is determined mostly through performance appraisal. Placement decisions: promotions, transfers and demotions are usually are based on past or anticipated performance. Often promotions are reward for past performance. Training and development needs: poor performance may indicate the need for retraining. Likewise, good performance may indicate untapped potential that should be developed. Career planning and development: performance feedbacks guide career decision about specific career paths one should investigate. Staffing process deficiencies: good or bad performance implies strength and weakness in the personnel departments staffing procedure. Informational inaccuracies: poor performance may indicate error in job analysis information, human resource plans, or other part of personnel management information system. Reliance on accurate information may led to inappropriate hiring, training, or counseling decisions. Job design errors: poor performance may be a symptom of ill- conceived job design. Appraisals help diagnose these errors. PROBLEMS OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL The major problem of performance appraisal is- 1. Rating biases Halo effect The error of central tendency The leniency and strictness The recency effect 2. Failure of the superiors in conducting performance appraisal nad post performance appraisal interviews 3. Most part of the appraisal is based on subjectivity 4. Les reliability and validity of the performance appraisal techniques 5. Negative rating affect interpersonal relations and industrial relation system 6. Influence of external environmental factors and uncontrollable internal factors 7. Feedback and post appraisal interview may have a setback on production 8. Relationship between appraisal rates and performance after promotions was not significant 9. Absence of inter –rater reliability